Maroso is a company operating in the fields of the civil, industrial, business and healthcare plants, guaranteeing a constant technological innovation with expertise and professionality. The continuous collaboration with the customer and the accurate assistance allow to offer performances able to support the evolution of the required standards.
For us, each system is a value that must consolidate in the course of time and it is created not only to best fulfill its function, but also to guarantee over time the best performance
The assistance and the direct contact with the customer are essential. Maroso follows you step by step: from the design phase to the systems test. We suggest specific solutions for hydraulic and electrical systems, photovoltaic systems using renewable sources, that could be customized according to your requirements. Thanks to the several company sectors, the customer could benefit from a high level of 360 degrees services. The assistance is one of the main service aimed to provide to the customer the maximum reliability. Maroso offers a remote service, guaranteeing the plant operation and integrity with a 24 hours a day monitoring, using very high precision equipment and employing qualified personnel. Thanks to a team of skilled professionals, we follow the customer from the design phase to the post-sales service.
Maroso designs, installs and manages systems both in private and public sector.
Mechanical Systems
Maroso deals with the design of heating, hydraulic and air-conditioning systems. Specialised in the thermo-hydraulic sector, we are able to study the best solutions for the energy saving through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages related to the different installation types. We use the most advanced technologies for the independent and centralized heating systems installation management and maintenance. We deal with gas and condensing boilers, thermos-stoves and more. We use top certified materials, always searching for high-tech products, also using renewable energy. Furthermore, we provide a maintenance service through a constant control of the correct system functioning, in order to reduce the consumptions and prevent break downs.
We deal with the installation of air-conditioning and air treatment systems; thanks to the inverter, we are able to control the power according to the space needs to guarantee a considerable consumption saving. The Air Treatment Unit is useful not only to filter and clean the air, but also to heat and cool the spaces. We are able to suggest to our customers the more convenient system according to his requirements, thanks to on-site inspections and our team expertise. Maroso installs also fire detection systems aimed to efficiently protecting people, estates, goods and properties with custom-made solutions both in civil, industrial and public sector.
The main type of the hydraulic systems are the following:
- Heating system at high and low temperature
- Super-heated water boilers
- Steam systems
- Compressed air systems
- Water system plants, water fittings and bathroom ware
- Air-conditioning systems
- Refrigeration systems
- Natural gas adduction, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and diesel oil systems
- Air treatment and canalization systems
- Remote mechanical ventilation systems
- Wet, dry and powder fire protection system
- Medical gas systems
- Water treatment systems
- Centralized aspiration systems
- Irrigation systems

Electrical Systems
The company deals with the design and production of civil and industrial electrical systems, in respect of the current laws and providing a turn-key service, when required.
We are also specialized in the production of special systems as fire detection systems, data transmission, intrusion detection alarm system, video surveillance system, to monitor and secure your home or company.
We search for the best customer-made solution to guarantee the maximum security.
Maroso deals also with smart home systems, that allows to manage systems, devices and automations with the aim to increase the security, comfort, energy saving and efficiency. We use modular and flexible systems, that satisfy almost every main requirement and allow modern and advanced techniques to make the housing and the working environment more comfortable and safe with the management, also the remote management, of all the devices to guarantee the user-friendly.
The main type of the electrical systems are the following:
- Floor and wall electrical heating systems
- Antifreeze heating systems
- Electrical systems
- Ducts, canalizations and connections
- General lighting devices, emergency and safety equipment installation
- Electrical grounding and atmospheric discharges installations
- Smart home and automation systems
- Uninterruptible power source systems
- Electrical boards
- Regulation of heating systems
- Telephone, data, TV and sat systems
- Intrusion detection systems, fire detection systems, bus systems
- Video surveillance systems
- Sound diffusion systems

The innovation and the interest in the environmental protection, together with the energy saving, guided Maroso to the advanced technologies of the solar thermal system, condensing boilers, heat pumps and photovoltaic systems.
Maroso can provide the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of these systems, in order to keep always their efficiency and functioning under control.
The main system types with renewable sources are the following:
- Electrical heat pump with gas absorption (direct expansion, hydronic) system
- Biomass system
- Solar thermal system for water system and heating
- Vertical and horizontal geothermal system
- Rainwater recovery system
- Photovoltaic system, electric storage system
- Charging stations for electric vehicles
- Relamping service
- Control of electric loads
